MobiWork - Planning & Scheduling



With the introduction of the 4th Industrial Revolution, paper-based systems are slowly being phased out to make way for digitized business processes. Many organizations have adopted mobile workforce software solutions to leverage the advantages of paperless, cloud-based systems to maximize efficiency and to lower overhead costs. The use of such systems strives to enforce business rules that are being followed every time. Employees can be held accountable when deviations occur.


MobiWork is a mobile workforce system solution that has been successfully implemented globally. In this article attention is drawn to the functionalities available in the MobiWork system that assists in the planning, scheduling, and dispatching of resources.

Functionalities available for Planning and Scheduling

This article will only focus on the functionalities related to planning and scheduling.

More articles will follow to explore functionalities and these functionalities can be utilized for a more efficient organization.

1.     The Customer

This functionality provides for a full history of the customer. The contact details are provided as well as the physical address.  The provision of a physical address provides input to the Google Maps when a work order is created. With this information the field technician can proceed via the shortest route to the customer.

Using this facility ensures that the organization is aware exactly where the technician is and the time of arrival at a client site can accurately be estimated.

Assigning a customer to a dedicated “account manager” enables the ability to schedule and record dates when the customers was or is to be visited.

2.     Work Orders

Work orders describe the work that needs to be done (the “what”), the person assigned to complete the work (the “who”), the appropriate address (the “where”), and the scheduled time (the “when”). 

Several options are available when specifying “who” is to take responsibility for executing the Work Order. These include the following:

·        The technician by name (or “user” as per system definition)

·        Multiple users

·        User at a current location

·        User at Base location

·        Closest user in 7 days

·        Closet user in 30 days

·        User with particular skills

·        User at Base location with specific skills 

Work orders also make provision for the parts and / or the assets to be used in executing the job. Once completed there will be a full list available of all part used with their associated costs, services provided (labour rates/ call-out rates) and assets if applicable.

Industries that use time as part of their billing parameters can have time recorded according to business rules. The mentioned functionalities is but a fraction of what the Work Order functionality provide for. It can however be seen that accurate planning, scheduling, and dispatching of resources is facilitated to enhance efficiency in the organization.

3.     Projects

The Projects functionality normally flows from an Estimate, but this is not an absolute requirement. The Project records the sequence in which multiple Work Orders need to be completed for a specific project and / or job.

Tasks, which are independent from Work Orders, can be specified. Tasks are written requirements that need to be completed as a supplement to Work Orders.

4.     Recurrent Routes

This is aimed at routes to be completed at specified times and at specified intervals, i.e. weekly on a Friday. The customers to be visited are added to the route and allocated an approximate time. Once the route has been defined, optimization can be executed to provide for the most economical route in terms distance, sequence, and timing. Optimizing can be invoked each time new clients are added to the route.

5.     Scheduling

The Scheduling functionality is an electronic board where all defined users and Work Orders are shown.


This information can be shown in the following configuration options:

·        Daily

·        Weekly

·        Monthly

·        Composite (timeline / map / user list all at once)

·        List view


A designated User has access to the Work Order information by clicking on the icon.

Users can reassign Work Orders to other users and other date and time instances with “drag and drop” features. The Schedule is part of Management Information to provide ease of use ability to manage the allocation of resources.


The MobiWork Planning, Scheduling and Dispatching grouping provides functionality to enhance efficiency without adding an administrative burden to the system and users.


At LionGate Solutions we offer a free assessment of your current practices. This is high-level assessment of areas where your organization could possibly save on operational costs. We will provide you with a customized version of our software for a trial period of 14 days so you can test before making a decision on taking any further steps. 

For more information visit our website:

Pieter Coetzer


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